Jamar – an A+ category supplier scored the mark of 1000/1000 points!

We are pleased to inform our clients that our endeavours to guarantee the top quality in the field of quality management, technical cooperation, meeting deadlines and quality of supplies has been confirmed by the assessment by our client of long standing.
New design of our Internet page

Welcome to our new Internet page. We hope that the changes that we have introduced on our page will improve your comfort in browsing through our web pages and their functionality. We would like to inform you that we have created a completely new visual identification of our Company. We have refreshed the company logo […]
Building steel construction and facilities

We would like to inform our clients that from 2012 JAMAR extended their commercial offer by building steel constructions and facilities. We offer the following facilities for sale: Rotary kilns: Facilities used for drying loose materials. Electromagnetic feeders: Facilities used for continuous feeding loose materials to rotary kilns. Mechanical handling of materials: Belt conveyors, facilities […]